May 27, 2008

Twins and Trevor

Over the weekend, the twins came up for a quick trip and we had so much fun with them there (see Kelsie's blog for all of the fun events because I didn't get any pictures). While Rob and Kelsie went to a movie, their cousins came over to see them, because they don't really get to see them that often. Trevor got so excited that he just didn't know what to do. Smiling from ear to ear, he clasped his hands together and bounced up and down. He wanted to play with them and of course give them some of his long-time-no-see hugs. Trevor gives some of the best hugs. However, we had to remind him to be soft with the twins. He tried so hard to give them "soft" hugs, barely even touching the girls. A while later I noticed Trevor doing some what of a dance, shuffling around the girls with his arms stretched out straight careful not to touch the girls to hard. It was almost as if he was gently nudging them to a certain direction. I looked at Holly, and she said, "Oh, he's just herding them around like the cows." That was right. Each step blocked were those girls were headed, forcing them somewhere else. With his little shuffling dance, he was able to move those twins were he wanted them to go to play. What a smart kid.

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

Trevor is really smart. I wouldn't have thought to herd the girls, even "soft", but I can see how that could be an effective playtime tactic.